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In November 2018, Stelios Theocharous, the founder of Ceres | Pure Food Innovation (and someone who occasionally finds his keys on the first try), launched the Ceres Podcast. This groundbreaking platform has now become a gathering spot for like-minded co-hosts:
• Mark Petrou, Petrou Bros
• Kelly Barnes, Krispies
• David Nicolaou, Auckley Friery
• David Miller, Millers Fish & Chips
Together, they embark on insightful conversations with the movers and shakers of the Food & Hospitality industry, forming the illustrious Podsquad.
At the Ceres Podcast, we take our time. There's no rushing here - unless we're late for dinner. We're on a mission to uncover the deep-seated passions that motivate our guests, ranging from Chefs and Fish & Chip Shop Owners to Food Producers and Hoteliers, including everyone who makes the hospitality world spin.
Our discussions are as varied as the ingredients in a gourmet dish, catering to anyone with a stake or interest in the bustling world of hospitality. If you're eager to learn from the experiences and stories that shape this industry, the Ceres Podcast awaits you. Dive into our world, where learning is served with a side of laughter.


Jan 11, 2020

I've known David for nearly ten years as you will hear, he's been a customer many years but for the most part but a good friend too. 

I found this episode interesting, although I have known David for a long time, I didn't realise the extent of his health issues and how he overcomes them. 

One thing I find amazing about David is his love for his family, it drives him forward. 

David is very passionate about fish and chips, but even more so he's even more into training. 

If you are listening to this episode and fancy being training by David at the NFFF School, then get in touch with the National Federation of Fish Friers.